Saturday, July 28, 2007


How we decided this topic as the learning issue?

-As a group, we analysed the topics given to us by going to the internet to source for information.
-We decided to choose the topic on drugs.
-This is because drug addiction is a serious problem among teenagers nowadays.
-We can find the information easily on the internet and from other sources.

Why we decided on the learning issue?
-Drug addiction is a problem among teenagers in Singapore.
-Drug addiction is on the increase among teenagers in Singapore.
-Drug addiction leads to severe consequences :
1) Health consequences leading to death
2) Increase in crimes among teenagers : they commit robbery and other crimes to satisfy
their craving for drugs
3) Drug trafficking is a serious offence. Those caught trafficking in drugs can be jailed or
sentenced to death.
-Consequences on abusing drug:
1)Have trouble concentrating
2)Sleep a lot (maybe even in class)
3)Get into fights
4)Have red or puffy eyes
5)Lose or gain weight
6)Cough a lot
7)Have a runny nose all of the same time

*THUS, We sincerely wish to discourage teenagers from taking drugs as it is harmful!!!

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